Jess Payne, SRA, CGA
Commercial Appraiser
After years of working in the real estate lending and business brokerage world, then working with other appraisal firms Mr. Payne created Jess Payne Appraisal Service in January of 1990. He also formed a real estate company involved in acquisitions, entitlements and development.
Mr. Payne is involved in all types of real property valuation including commercial, office, industrial, agricultural, recreation and special purpose appraisals. He is qualified as an appraisal expert in Idaho and various counties in Oregon.
Jess is a member of multiple organizations such as:
Appraisal Institute, SRA designation
Caldwell Board of Realtors
Nampa Board of Realtors
Caldwell Chamber of Commerce
Business Advisory Committee (National)
Past Al Chapter Secretary and Education Chairman
Jess Payne’s Credentials
General Education:
Bachelor of Science Degree from Walla Walla College, College Place, WA, June 1978
Graduate work for Masters Degree on a scholarship in 1978, Walla Walla College
Appraisal Institute SRA member
Certified General Certification through State of Idaho and Oregon
Appraiser Affiliate of Appraisal Institute
Associate Member of The American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers
Appraisal Education( prior 5 years only):
Online Thinking Outside the Form, 05/29/2017
USPAP 2016-2017, 05/13/2017
Reviewing Residential Appraisals and Using Fannie Mae Form 2000, 04/30/2017
Online Cool Tools: New Technology for Real Estate Appraisers, 04/28/2017
Online Business Practices and Ethics, 04/26/2017
Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning Systems and Green Buildings, 6/12/2015
Online Business Practices & Ethics, 6/11/2015
Online Data Verification Methods, 6/11/2015
7 Hour National USPAP Equivalent Course, 5/21/2015
Improving Appraisal Reports Used for Financing Institutions, 4/1/2015
General Market Analysis, 2/27/2015
ASFRMA Best in Business Ethics for New Members, 2/19/2015
Right of Way—Three Case Studies with Two Approaches to Value, 10/22/2014
Regression Modeling: Why Bad Results Happen to Good Appraiser, 10/1/2014
The Valuation of Bank Branches, 9/17/2014
Fundamentals of Going Concerns, 7/16/2014
Online Advanced Internet Search Strategies, 5/2014
Trial Components, 2014
Advanced Internet Search Strategies, 2014
Golf Course Property Valuation, 2014
USPAP, 2012-2013
American Society of Farm Managers and Rural Appraisers Course -
Highest & Best Use and Appraising Ag Land in Transition, 2012
Fundamentals of Separating Real, Personal Property, and Intangible Business Assets, 2012
USPAP, 2011
*Prior to this there were numerous courses completed, including basic and advanced AI Commercial Courses.
In his spare time, Jess enjoys a good round of golf, fly fishing and working on his ranch.